Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Kudos to JCP, Banana Republic and a Question For Tommy Hilfiger

Today I just have a few quick words. Three retailers have caught my eye with their ads over the summer. I rarely comment on such things but I couldn't let these fade into obscurity without putting in my two cents. I sure hope the folks that manage the social media departments for  JC Penny, Banana Republic and Tommy Hilfiger are paying attention, cause they're about to get some free press!

First off I want to thank Banana Republic for again featuring an interracial couple, specifically a black woman and white male. It makes me think of Stephen and myself. It happens in real life, but is so rarely depicted in the media. This particular pair don't look quite as romantically involved as the couple in the Christmas/holiday ad a few years back, but I like to think that they are.

Secondly, I'd like to thank JC Penny for featuring a real woman in a bathing suit. Nuff said.

 Have you noticed the older couple has  mysteriously gone missing from the last  Tommy Hilfiger magazine ads? What happened? Did they kick the bucket, get kidnapped, shipped off to a nursing home? Well, at least the dog made the cut.
You've got some 'splaining to do Tommy! And I want answers.
BTW, love those fall looks...

What ads have caught your eye this summer?


  1. I particularly love that JCPenney ad and glad you pointed it out because I hadn't noticed it before.
    Love the couple posing with all those suitcases. They look independent but like they're going in the same direction at the same time.

    Thanks for noticing these and sharing them. I'll be taking a closer look at ads now because you've got me curious. ;)

    1. Yeah, I couldn't believe it. Her thighs are actually touching!

  2. There a few ads that have caught my eye, but a little mini rant here - why do the actors in all of the food ads do fake chewing?!! They open their mouth wide, then take a fake big bite, and then fake chew. If I were the owner or shareholder of said food company paying for the ad, I'd at least like my ad to show people actually ENJOYING the food I'm trying to get people to buy. Has anyone else noticed this annoying trend? It looks like the food in the ad is so toxic and fake that the actors wouldn't dare take a REAL bite.

    1. I laughed at this rant. But think about it. These actors are doing countless takes. Can you imagine actually eating all that food through all those takes? Sometimes you have to take a big bite, do a take, then spit it out, so you can do another take. I think I'd be nauseous by that time. Plus, I'm guessing the director is stupid. Usually when something like that stands out, it's the fault of the director and/or client/ad agency. There are so many layers to it!!

    2. You're right! They had me convinced all these years that they really loved the product they were eating.

  3. I don't have a TV and rarely pick up the new paper or magazines so Its refreshing to catch a few of the best ads on your blog instead! I LOVE that Banana Republic Ad! I too am part of an interracial couple and you're right, it IS nice to see something like that in the media! The JCP add is also great! I actually really like that particular chain you? Anyway, hope all is well and i love the post!


    1. Nico, thanks for stopping by. I took a look at your blog. Love it. Glad you enjoyed the post.

  4. Sheila--the JCP interracial caught my eye, too. My daughter is Korean (adopted) so we never looked like a "typical" family. Plus her new hubby is caucasian so SOMEDAY I'll have adorable interracial grandbabies!!
    I'm glad media is notcing that families don't come in just one color!

  5. It was once pointed out to me that advertisements in general are almost always culturally conservative. The people creating them don't want to piss anyone off (they might lose money!) so they creep along the cultural continuum, playing it safe until it looks like they can make some money on a "new" reality. As refreshing as it is to finally see these images, it makes me sad that we had to wait so long for what should have always been a norm, in any configuration.

  6. I'm always checking out the ads and who they feature. Or don't feature! Great insights and thanks for paying attention and writing about it.
