Sunday, August 5, 2012

A Shoulder to Cry On

Maggy London dress via Belk, Franco Sarto gold metallic heels - thrifted.
I've noticed something about bloggers. They're not really complainers. So today, ladies, I offer you my shoulder to cry on (see, I'm even dressed for it). It's time for a good old-fashioned, belly achin' moan and groan, b!tch and whine session. No complaint is too big or too small. Each complaint is just as valid as another. The fact that one person had a fender bender is just as good (or bad) as the fact that a dress another was eyeing is no longer available in her size. If everything is hunky dory in your life you can complain on behalf of someone else. I'll get the ball rolling for this... violins, please...

You'll note I'm not smiling in this photo, that's because not less than one hour before,  my husband told me I needed to lose 10 pounds! Mind you, I'm the same size as when we met. Geeze! Is there any better way to wreck a woman's day? The nerve of that man! I didn't even get a chance to ask that age old question, "Honey, does this dress make me look fat?"
Well, I feel better already just talking about it with you all, my blog friends. I still love my hubby of course and this picture kind of made me giggle. I'm so in love with the beachy/nautical lifestyle, I'll take it any way I can get it. That includes posing with fake sea creatures in the middle of rural Virginia!
O.k. ladies, now it's your turn. Ready, set, complain!
I'll be at Patti's and Monday Mingle.


  1. That's so funny; bloggers really don't complain, do they? I'm sorry your husband said that to you, I think I'd probably burst into tears if it were me.

    I actually don't have a lot of complaints right now. Except that I'm exhausted, but that's partially my fault; I stay out late in the summer!

    1. I'm exhausted too and I'm asleep before 10:00 p.m.!

  2. I can't believe your husband told you that!!! You look FABULOUS!!! I love the colors of the dress. The seagulls are kinda weird though!

    1. LOL! Yes...and so is the lobster at my feet! Thanks Tamera.

  3. You look adorable as usual, and your husband deserves to have his meals rationed after that comment. But, he probably meant it kindly. Men haven't a clue as to how to really talk to women in the ways they really need. We just put up with it, don't we?

    I'd like to complain about my feet today! I have to wear arch supports in everything so most of my shoes are ugly and no where near what I'd really want to wear. Even down to the casual comfortable sandals. I just realized the two pairs I bought for around 150.00 each are NOT wearable because I have now twisted my ankle in them twice and fallen once. CRAP! And we're about to leave on vacation this Friday. Now I have to go to a comfort shoe store again to find just the right pair. Again. I just realized everything I wear has to be pretty darn flat. ;( Can I say the "F" word in here? Thanks!

    1. Of course you can use the "F" word here Joni. Sometimes there's just no other word that'll work. Besides you're among friends. I'm truly sorry about the shoe situation. Born usually has some cute shoes that are comfortable and flat.

  4. We just got home from church and the message was on using words to encourage, so may I please instead tell you how great you look and say the colors in your dress are so pretty on you? Men generally wouldn't give a hoot if someone told them to lose 50 pounds so how can they possibly know the impact weight recommendations have on us ladies? ;) You really do look fabulous and millions of ladies would be thrilled to have your figure.

    1. Thanks. Julie. I've got food, shelter and love. So I suppose there's not to much that I can truly complain about. Just wanted to whine a little.
      Thanks for stopping by.

  5. I say, what does he know? You look fantastic! I love the colors of this dress--so perfect for hot, summer weather! No complaining here--other than, why can't I find lovely dresses like this one? :)

  6. Hi Bella. I can't thank you enough for stopping by. I took a look at your latest post, hope you're feeling well and at peace with your cousin's passing.

  7. Lovely dress. The first thing I noticed was how slim you look!

    I want to complain about my clothes not unpacking themselves. Boo.

    1. I know exactly what you mean. That's the worst part about going anywhere and somehow the stuff seems to have multiplied.

  8. Ouch. That was insensitive. Sorry.

  9. You're not at the beach? Awesome psych pic :o Pretty dress and heels.

    I hope by the time you read this that your man has made up for his ginormous gaffe. That would've definitely hurt my feelings :(

    1. LOL! I'm going to have to do one of these setups in the yard. I'm already searching for a supplier of fake lobsters.
      All is well Lynne. He's more than made up for it.

  10. Whaaaaaaaaaaat?!?!?! Oh honey I'm so sorry. You are a beautiful woman and I love this one shoulder dress on you. I actually feel like I complain a lot in my posts lol and will definitely be able to bitch tomorrow when I talk about the community service I had to do this weekend. Woof!

    1. Oh man Frannie Pantz, that's not a fun way to spend a weekend. I'm popping over to see how it went.

  11. Well your dear husband needs to go to "I take it back" class! : > You look fabulous. The only thing I want to complain about today is that life is zipping by too quickly - can you make it slow down? : > Thanks for linking up to Visible Monday.

  12. See my husband would've been in time out for a couple days and until he missed me and those 10lbs he says I need to lose, LOL!!! ;-)

    I think you look great, I really like this dress, you look so pretty!!

    Carsedra of:

  13. You know...husbands have off days Bless his heart. Well I think you look fabulous and the dress is awesome! Love the colors of that dress! No complaints today, do you give out rainchecks? ;)


    1. a matter a fact I do give out rainchecks, here's three :).

  14. polyoxybenzylmethylenglycolanhydride Twinkies? LOL No wonder their shelf life is infinity, and beyond!

  15. You are gorgeous!!!! That's what I have to say about that!

    I'm struck by the 'off the one shoulder' look, and am having fun with it myself this season. You should be on the cover of a summer catalog with this photo.

    1. Thanks Judith. I just got another. I really like the look.

  16. Lose 10 pounds? Is HE all that? I'm on vacation so for the moment I have no complaints.

    1. Where are you vacationing? Hope you're having a good time...expecting lot's of pics.

  17. Well first of all, it sucks to be told you need to lose weight! No complaints except I'm ready for school to start so there's routine in my life! Thanks for visiting, have a super day cutie. -Rhoda

  18. I think your husband needs prescription eyewear. You look fabulous! This dress is gorgeous on you. He must have been having a bad day to be so insensitive - after all, he's usually quite lovable or you wouldn't have married the big lug. He needs to make it up to you, though, BIG TIME!
