Forget the Oscars, the BAA's (Blogger Appreciation Awards) is much more exciting. I was given this award by Jean over at Dross Into Gold. Thanks Jean!
I'm telling ya', if you've got a piece of clothing that you think has seen the end of the line, consult Jean before you do anything drastic, like throwing it away. She does wonders with this stuff and turns them into wearable, fashionable, drool worthy garments.
Here's what I need to do before accepting the award:
1. Thank the person who nominated me by linking his/her blog.
2. Answer the four questions below
3. Award the Blogger Appreciation Award to fellow bloggers
4. Let the Bloggers know that you have nominated them.
- How long have you been blogging?
- Why did you start blogging?
- What type of blogs do you like to follow/read?
- What is the one thing you’d like to improve on as a blogger?
2) Blogging is a way for me to connect with other thrift store shoppers and see how they style their fabulous finds.
3) For now, I only follow personal style blogs but I wouldn't mind checking out a few decorating blogs as well.
4) Lately, I'm trying to improve on letting my photos do the talking. They're supposed to be worth a thousand words right?
Now for the hard part, new awardees:
Evil Dress Maker
Practical Paralegalism
Pink Calico
Shy Biker
These are all fun ladies, that I wish lived nearby because I know they'd super fun to hang out with...Oh well... I'll settle for reading their blogs, it's the next best thing!